Contribute to Change



Friend of the Foundation


Your support, no matter the size, helps us take steps toward fostering education and health awareness in our community.

Community Supporter


This donation helps us provide resources and outreach efforts to students in need, making a meaningful impact on their educational journey.

Scholarship Advocate


Your contribution assists in funding scholarships that empower minority students to pursue their dreams of higher education.

Education Champion


This donation helps us organize fundraising events and initiatives that raise awareness about health issues and support students in our community.

Empowerment Partner


Your generous support allows us to expand our scholarship offerings, ensuring more students have access to essential financial assistance.

Legacy Builder


This significant contribution directly supports our scholarship fund, honoring the memory of those who inspire us and helping students achieve their academic goals.

Visionary Sponsor


Your donation empowers us to create comprehensive support systems for scholarship recipients, connecting them with mentors and resources for success.

Champion of Change


This generous gift allows us to enhance our programs and outreach, making a lasting difference in the lives of Maryland students and their families.

Education Advocate


Your support helps us create impactful community programs focused on education and health awareness, uplifting those who need it most.

Founder's Circle


Join the Founder's Circle and play a pivotal role in transforming lives. Your donation helps us provide substantial scholarships and resources for students in Maryland.